“A threat-hunting hypothesis, much like a scientific hypothesis, is a statement of an idea or explanation to test against data.”[1]

the three threat hunting hypotesis

  • Threat intelligence-based
    • relies on indicators of compromise
  • Situational awareness-based
    • known as the ‘Crown Jewels Analysis’
    • focus on the most important assets
  • Domain expertise-based
    • based on threat hunters expertise
    • is importent to document the lessons learned and teaching those lessons to other members of the team

types of hunts

  • Data-driven
    • are unstructured
    • initiated triggered by a alert
  • Intel-driven
    • are informed by threat intelligence
    • differs from the data-driven approach as this hunt is performed proactively and no alerts are triggered
  • Entity-driven
    • focus on critical intellectual property and assets belonging to an organization that are likely to be targeted
    • Examples include R&D servers, domain controllers, or system administrator accounts
  • TTP-driven
    • focusing on an adversary’s tactics, techniques and procedures
    • Identifying and understanding the tools used by threat actors, alongside their motivations
  • Hybrid
    • combine all the methods previously mentioned
    • For example, utilizing the TTP-driven and entity-driven approaches to better understand a threat actor’s motivations and most common targets, can help identify the organization’s most vulnerable assets.
  • Reference def1
  • ssdeep def2
    • compares hash to hashes from other files
    • works because: “inputs have sequences of identical bytes in the same order, although bytes in between these sequences may be different in both content and length”
# create hash
ssdeep file

# compare to other files
ssdeep file.ext > hash_file.txt
ssdeep -m hash_file.txt *

# cluster similar files
ssdeep -p *

# Example output
ssdeep file5 > hash.txt
ssdeep -m hash.txt *
  /home/steh/file9 matches hash.txt:/home/steh/file5 (65)
  /home/steh/file3 matches hash.txt:/home/steh/file5 (66)
  /home/steh/file5 matches hash.txt:/home/steh/file5 (100)
  /home/steh/file7 matches hash.txt:/home/steh/file5 (57)
