Using tabs
#open tab
## switch tab
:tabn ### next
:tabp ### previuos
gt ## switch forward
gT ## switch backwards
#open file
e: folder
e: file
h (left) j (down) k (up) l (right)
0 - beginning of line
$ - end of line
w - imove to the start of the next word
e - move to the end of the word
b - nove to the beginn of the word
2e - move two words forward
3w - move three words forward
gg - move to the top of the file
G - move to the bottom of the file
502G - go to line 502
i - insert ON the curser
a - insert AFTER the curser
A - append AFTER the line
o - insert on the line before
O - insert on the next the line
x - remove character
u - undo
r - redo
## delete text
dw - delete word
de - delete until end of the word
d$ - delete until end of line
d2w - delete the next two words
dd - deltes line and stores it in register
p - insert deleted line on curser
## replace text
r[char] - replace the letter with the char
R - replace the following chars
## change text
ce - deletes the word and places you in Insert mode
cc - does the same for the whole line
c2w - deletes the next to words and places you in Insert mode
c$ - deletes until line end and places you in Insert mode
## copy/past
dd - cut the line
3dd - cut three lines
yy - copy 1 line
3yy - copy 3 lines
p - paste
## visual copy/paste
v - mark the text
y - copy text (yank)
p - paste the text (put)
## past from systemclipboard
"+p - paste from system
## search
/ - search for a phrase (after hitting enter)
n - show next appearance
N - show previous appearance
% - moves the cursor to the next matching bracket ( (,),[,],{ or } )
* - find the next occurence of the word under the curser
## - find the last occurence of the word under the curser
## search and replace
:s/old/new/g - replaces the first occourance of old with new in the line
:#,#s/old/new/g where #,## are the line numbers of the range of lines where the substitution is to be done.
:%s/old/new/g to change every occurrence in the whole file.
:%s/old/new/gc to find every occurrence in the whole file, with a prompt whether to substitute or not.
Execute commands
## execute external comands
:!ls - list files
:sh - starts a shell (exit gets you back)
## Retrieving files
:r FILE - writes the file content above the curser
:r !ls - writes the output to the file
## Selecting text to write
:w TEXT - writes that text to a file
using vim help
## using the help windows
F1 - open help
CTRL+W - jump between windows
:q - close help
set default config
# vim /etc/vim/vimrc
" Set tabs to have 4 spaces
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
" Set line numbers
set number
" Set incremental search
set incsearch
" Highlight search results
set hlsearch
" Enable command line completion
set wildmenu
" Allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
set backspace=indent,eol,start
" Open new lines with the same indentation
set autoindent
" Show matching brackets and parentheses
set showmatch
" Faster keyword completion menu appearance
set completeopt=menu,menuone,noselect
" Wrap lines at convenient points
set linebreak
" Set encoding to UTF-8
set encoding=utf-8
" Disable visual bell (no flashing)
set visualbell
set t_vb=
" Enable file type detection and plugins based on file type
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on