Field extraction in Splunk is essential for deriving meaningful insights from your data. By configuring transforms.conf and props.conf, you can tailor Splunk to parse your data accurately. This guide will help you set up and test field extractions efficiently.

Understanding props.conf and transforms.conf

In Splunk, props.conf and transforms.conf define how data is parsed and processed:

  • props.conf: Specifies source type definitions, time extraction, and field extractions, often referencing transforms.conf.
  • transforms.conf: Defines complex field extractions, lookups, anonymization, and routing.

Understanding extractions

In Splunk, you configure field extractions in props.conf using three main types: TRANSFORMS, REPORT, and EXTRACT. Here’s a brief overview of each:

Index Time vs. Search Time Extractions

  • Index-Time Extractions (TRANSFORMS):
    • Occur when data is ingested.
    • Use sparingly due to performance impact.
    • Example:

      TRANSFORMS-add_fields = add_field_transform
  • Search-Time Extractions (REPORT and EXTRACT):
    • Occur when you run a search.
    • Preferred for most cases to avoid index-time load.
    • REPORT references a field transform in transforms.conf.
    • EXTRACT includes the regex directly in props.conf.
      • for straightforward extractions that don’t need reuse or complex handling
    • Example for REPORT:

      REPORT-add_fields = add_field_transform
    • Example for EXTRACT:

      EXTRACT-field = (?<field_name>\w+)

Step-by-Step Guide to Field Extraction with transforms.conf

1. Identifying Data Patterns

Identify the data patterns for extraction. For example, in logs like:

2023-07-08 12:34:56,789 INFO User=john.doe Action=login Status=success

You might extract User, Action, and Status.

2. Create Extraction in SPL

  • develope and test the extraction
# extraction on the _raw data
| rex field=_raw User=(?P<user>\S+) Action=(?P<action>\S+) Status=(?P<status>\S+)

3. Defining Extractions in transforms.conf

  • Define the extraction in the transforms.conf
  • the following are equivalent for search-time field extractions:
    • Using FORMAT:
    REGEX  = ([a-z]+)=([a-z]+)
    FORMAT = field1::$1 <field-name>::<field-value>
    • Without using FORMAT
    REGEX  = (?<_KEY_1>[a-z]+)=(?<_VAL_1>[a-z]+)
# extraction on the _raw data
REGEX = User=(?P<user>\S+) Action=(?P<action>\S+) Status=(?P<status>\S+)

# extraction on specific field, doesn´t work if field contains an white space
REGEX = User=(?P<user>\S+) Action=(?P<action>\S+) Status=(?P<status>\S+)
SOURCE_KEY = field

Test the extraction on your data. The extract command reloads the config from props and transforms configuration file.

| extract extract_user_action_status

4. Configuring props.conf

Define the source type and reference the transforms:

# Option 1 reference to the stanza in transforms.conf
TRANSFORMS-extract_user_action_status = extract_user_action_status

4. Reload config

  • you need to restart the Server to update the configuration
  • until then you can reload the extractions from props.conf and transforms.conf with the following:
| extract reload=t
