Search under the hood

based on splunk education course “Search Under the Hood (eLearning)”

Seach Job Inspector

open Job under Search Bar

  • contains header with overall runtime
    • return Results
    • scanned Events
    • execution Time
  • Execution Cost
    • what component takes the longest
    • if one takes signifitiant longer you should investigate into it
      • - Time to search the index for the location to read in rawdata files
      • - Time to filter out events that do not match
      • - Time to read events from rawdata files
  • Search Job properties
    • diskusage
    • optimizedSearch
      • Splunk will try to optimize your search


  • three ticks
    • ` ``` `

Splunk Architecture

  • index
    • contains
      • journal.gz
        • contains slices of rawdata, 128kb
      • .tsidx - time series index file
        • index fields to journal files
        • contains lexicon of location for stored keywords
      • Bloom Filter ([def][Splexicon: Bloom Filter])
        • rules out buckets that dont contain data
        • creates a bloomfilter (kind of a hash) and compares it to presaved filters in buckets

Streaming vs. Non-Streaming Commands

  • Transforming Commands
    • Commands that take events as input and output a transformed dataset, typically a summary or aggregation.
    • Operate on an entire result set of data
    • stats, timechart. top
  • Streaming Commands
    • Process each event independently and can start returning results before all data is read.
    • Centralized
      • processes data as it comes in
      • streamstats, transaction
    • Distributable
      • operates on each event individual
      • eval, rename

Command Types

Breakers and Segmentation

  • Events Split by major breakers
    • spaces, brackets, tab and quotation mark
  • next break by minor breakers:
    • ., ,, $,=
index=web clientip=
  would search [AND 169 252 7 76 index::web]

# term must be break by major breakers in raw data
index=web clientip=TERM(
  would search [AND index::web]

search can be viewd im _internal and search for LISPY

## searching in tsidx files
# search with tstats (only works if the term is not seperated by major breakers)
| tstats count where index=you_data source=StuffYouDefine TERM(Computername=MyPC)

# stats count by values
| tstats count where index=you_data source=StuffYouDefine by PREFIX(Computername=)

| fieldsummary

# command calculates summary statistics for one or more fields in your events. The summary information is displayed as a results table. 
| fieldsummary 

Informational Functions

eval field1 = isnull()

fieldsummary command overview

Knowledge Objects

Settings -> All configuration

  • Fields
  • Calculated Fields
  • Lookups
  • Event types
    • categories events
    • Save search as Even Type
    • eventtype=web_logs
  • Tags
  • tag=vuln
  • Workflow Actions
  • Reports and Alerts
  • Macros
  • Data Models
