Overview of the attack phases

Attack Phase Description
1 Reconnaissance Researching, identifying and selecting targets using active or passive reconnaissance.
2 Weaponization Preparatory activities aimed at setting up the infrastructure required for the attack.
3 Delivery Techniques resulting in the transmission of a weaponized object to the targeted environment.
4 Social Engineering Techniques aimed at the manipulation of people to perform unsafe actions.
5 Exploitation Techniques to exploit vulnerabilities in systems that may, amongst others, result in code execution.
6 Persistence Any access, action or change to a system that gives an attacker persistent presence on the system.
7 Defense Evasion Techniques an attacker may specifically use for evading detection or avoiding other defenses.
8 Command & Control Techniques that allow attackers to communicate with controlled systems within a target network.
9 Pivoting Tunneling traffic through a controlled system to other systems that are not directly accessible.
10 Discovery Techniques that allow an attacker to gain knowledge about a system and its network environment.
11 Privilege Escalation The result of techniques that provide an attacker with higher permissions on a system or network.
12 Execution Techniques that result in execution of attacker-controlled code on a local or remote system.
13 Credential Access Techniques resulting in the access of, or control over, system, service, or domain credentials.
14 Lateral Movement Techniques that enable an adversary to horizontally access and control other remote systems.
15 Collection Techniques used to identify and gather data from a target network prior to exfiltration.
16 Exfiltration Techniques that result or aid in an attacker removing data from a target network.
17 Impact Techniques aimed at manipulating, interrupting, or destroying the target system or data.
18 Objectives Socio-technical objectives of an attack that are intended to achieve a strategic goal.

The First Phase - In

Cyber Kill Chain In

The Second Phase - Through

Cyber Kill Chain Through

The Third Phase - Out

Cyber Kill Chain Out


unifiedkillchain.com: The-Unified-Kill-Chain.pdf